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Nobody's Perfect Page 3
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Page 3
“Hurts there yes?”
“Yes Doctor”
“Mmm looks like you’ve bruised it have you banged yourself or something?”
“I did walk into the safety gate at the bottom of our stairs the other day Doctor could that have caused it do you think?”
“Quite possibly but what concerns me more is the blood, could you do me a urine sample so I can check for any infections?”
“I’ll try doctor but it’s not long since I went”
“Take this” he said handing her a small bottle.
“Nip to the ladies see what you can do please Mrs Wilson by the way when did you last have a period?”
“About two months ago now Doctor but I don’t worry too much about that since Vicky was born they have been all over the place” Angie went into the toilet she returned after five minutes with a full bottle. “There I knew you could do it Angie thank you, I‘ll just test this for any infections won’t be a second”
“This won’t take too long will it Doctor Vicky will be due her feed soon”
“Won’t be long now Mrs Wilson just want to check one more thing.” After a while he turned around and smiled.
“Well good news Mrs Wilson there is no infection and congratulation you are two months pregnant.”
Angie’s face drained of what colour she had left.
“No no that can’t be right please no! Please check again”
“I’ve done the test twice already Mrs Wilson it’s positive, there are things we can do if you er well you know if you are not ok with this”
“You mean an abortion? I don’t know about that, when do I have to decide doctor?”
“Well as soon as possible is best but you have at least another month but please think carefully about this at the end of the day it’s your decision you do what you want, you go home think about it talk to your husband take your time and call in when you have come to a decision and we’ll take it from there ok?”
Angie walked back home her head was spinning so much going on her plans to get out were fading what could she do leaving with one child would be difficult enough but two.
She didn’t want an abortion but if she had the baby she would be trapped.
Maybe if she told Colin he might change especially if it was a boy Colin has always wanted a boy he can take to the park and play football with, maybe this could be a good thing.
She went through the rest of the day on auto pilot her head was just a mess of thoughts ideas how best to tell him, when to tell him, how to tell him it was all jumbled, she decided to wait until he was in a good mood to tell him, that was sorted she breathed a bit easier.
Chapter 4
It was Monday evening, Angie had decided that she was going to tell Colin about the baby she had thought long and hard about it the whole weekend going through every scenario in her head, she was ready.
She had prepared Colin’s favourite meal gammon steak, chips and peas with an egg on top and to wash it down a large can of larger.
Vicky was in bed fast asleep with a good dose of Calpol to help with the teething.
Angie had just finished plating up when she heard the front door open, Colin came into the kitchen with a big smile on his face.
“Whoa! Gammon and chips you must have a sixth sense how did you know a celebration was in order”
“What are we celebrating then Colin?” The thought went through her mind that somehow he had found out about the baby and he was fine with it but he couldn’t have found out the only two people who knew were Doctor Parker and her she rejected the thought.
“So what are we celebrating then?”
“Well you know they have been talking about promoting someone to Dayshift Manager, well as from next Monday that’s me! and not only that I get a company car, so no more walking and because I’ll be a key holder they are going to pay for the telephone connecting and they will pick up the bill and also I get a pay rise of an extra £10k a year how good is that then?”
“That is excellent Colin sit down and you can tell me all about it while we eat” Angie couldn’t believe her luck she wanted him a good mood and this was more than she could ever have hoped for telling him would be a breeze.
Colin talked constantly through dinner about he would have to get a new suit and a briefcase and he will have to change his paper to the Independent or even the times, he was so full of excitement she decided now was the time.
“Well Colin there was a reason why I made your favourite meal I have some good news too, we are going to have another baby.”
She looked across at Colin, the smile disappeared, his eyes widened and his face turned to anger.
“You selfish fucking bitch!” he screamed.
“I come home in a good mood things are going well for once then you have to try and spoil it you have to go one better all the time it’s all me me me with you isn’t it? So you are having another little bastard that’s another thing to sponge off me, well don’t expect me to look after it you will have to pack your job in and stay at home. , anyway how’s this happened you bitch we haven’t had sex for months.”
“Two months to be precise Colin the amount of time I have been pregnant. We don’t have to have it you know I could have a termination.”
“Murder a child? Yes you are quite capable of that you evil heartless bitch!”
“I could murder you.” She shouted surprised by her bravery.
“You’ve made me what I am now it’s you who is the evil one, I hate you so much I wish YOU were dead”
Angie knew she had done it now she could see the rage welling up inside Colin but she didn’t give a damn for some strange reason she found herself smiling.
The punch landed on her left temple the force knocking her off the chair she hit her head on the cooker as she fell Angie never felt anything, blood was running into her right eye from the cut she received hitting her head on the cooker door handle.
Colin stood up, picked up his plate and scraped the meal onto Angie’s head.
“ You ungrateful cow after all I have done for you, you were nothing until I married you and this is how you repay me threatening to murder our child and not only our child but me as well, well you had better make it good bitch because you’ll only get one chance.
You can stick this up your arse I’m off to the pub and I want this place cleaned up by the time I get back or you’ll get more of the same! Right!”
He threw the plate at her head and walked out.
Angie heard the door slam, she struggled to her feet walking over to the sink she stood there looking at her reflection in the kitchen window.
Her hair was all matted with egg and grease, blood was running down her face she just looked deep into the eyes of the image before her and began laughing, then crying then laughing again she suddenly stopped, turned around and started cleaning up the mess.
With the kitchen sorted she checked on Vicky then ran a bath she was in bed before Colin came back.
The following Thursday the BT engineers turned up to connect the new phone, Angie was excited at last she could ring the doctor, ring the pub even ring her mum although they hadn’t spoken to each other since before her marriage to Colin, neither her Mum or Dad approved, they didn’t think he was the “right man” for their daughter they had had a blazing row a week before the wedding and both of them had refused to attend, Angie was upset but she was headstrong and too much in love to care.
After the telephone had been connected Angie got Vicky ready and they went round the village giving out there number to Jane Doyle at the Doctors surgery, Paul and Pauline in the Post office and Tony and Anne in the Red lion.
“About time that tight wad put his hand in his pocket and got it connected, this will make it a lot easier to get hold of you for extra shifts Ha Ha”
“Tony!” His wife Anne said interrupting her husband.
“ With the shifts she does and looking after a baby she works hard enough, look at her she looks shattered.
Are you alright Angie?”
“Oh yes I’m just a bit run down, not sleeping too well lately with Vicky’s teething she’s been keeping me awake most of the night.”
“Doesn’t Colin help?” Anne asks.
“Well he used to but with his promotion and him learning a new job he needs his sleep so Vicky is in with me and Colin sleeps in Vicky’s room”
“That’s not very good for your marriage or love life as well is it? Don’t you have family or friends who can take Vicky for a weekend or something to give you a break and let you spend some time together just you and Colin?”
“It’s ok we are not exactly the best of friends at the moment so a bit of distance is very welcome”
“Sorry to hear that you two seem very happy together whenever I see you, Do you want a coffee Angie I’m a very good listener.”
“I would love to but I have to nip to the shop for some bread and milk.”
“Don’t worry about that Tony will go and get it for you he will even take Vicky with him for the walk. Wont you darling?”
“Do I have a choice?” Tony said laughing.
“Not really, take your time.”
Anne led the way to the kitchen.
“Sit down Angie how do you like your coffee?”
“White two sugars please Anne.”
“Two sugars? I only have to think about sugar and I put a stone on” Anne laughed.
”Right have a seat and let’s talk I think you need someone to talk at so, fire away.”
Angie felt a little uncomfortable at first telling somebody what she was going through but it was true Anne was a very good listener she never once pushed or butted in she just let Angie tell her everything, Anne just couldn’t believe what she was hearing she sat there open mouthed listening to the things Angie was suffering the beatings the mental cruelty there was no stopping Angie now she was weeping uncontrollably and telling everything it felt good to be unburdening herself like this.
Then she sat back in her chair and breathed a very deep sigh of relief it felt like a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
Then a wave of regret came over her, the reality of what she had just done.
“Anne? Don’t tell anyone what I have just told you please if Colin finds out I dread to think what he would do please don’t tell will you ?”
“Angie I won’t say a anything to another living soul you have my word on that but what are you going to do? You have to get out or one day it might not just be a black eye and a couple of bruised ribs he might kill you, you need to get away from him as soon as possible for your and the babies sake.”
“I am already planning a way to get out I’m putting a little money away when I can”
“How much have you got at the moment Angie?”
“Ar, er well you see Vicky needed some new shoes and clothes so I had to use the money I had I didn’t want to ask him for any it would have only ended in an argument and I don’t need that.”
“Oh Angie what are you going to do what about the new baby?”
“I know it’s going to be even more difficult to save money he says he won’t look after Vicky or the new baby when it’s born so I guess I will have to pack my job here in.”
“Well if you need anything you just ask and when you are ready to leave him let me know I have a friend who owns a few houses in the area he may be able to sort something out a bit cheap for you.”
“Thanks Anne I may take you up on that”
“What about your mum cant you go back there?”
“No chance we haven’t spoken since before the wedding, they didn’t approve of Colin, Ha I should have listened to them, too late now.”
“Maybe it’s time to put pride to one side and mend a few bridges Angie?”
“Maybe we’ll see” Just then Tony arrived back with Vicky and the shopping.
“She’s asleep, what a little darling not been a minuet’s trouble”
“Good “Thats very good Anne said smiling at Angie.
“We make this a regular thing, what do you think Angie?” She said giving he a crafty wink.
“Fine by me I’m thankful for the peace and quiet.”
“That’s fine by me girls I need the exercise could do with shedding a couple of ounces”
Anne almost choked on her coffee.
“OUNCES! And the rest when you go for clothes the only thing that fits is the cubical!”
“Very funny I’ll have you know if I lose half a stone I will be back to the same weight I was when I used to play football.”
“Don’t lie what team would have a sixteen stone player in their squad?”
“Cheeky sod I’ll show you, salads for me from now on sweetheart, right I’m off to clean the pipes, see you later Angie be good”
Angie was doubled up with laughing.
“You two crack me up your like a double act I wish me and Colin got on like you two, he used to be a right laugh when we first met” Tears started to well up in her eyes.
“Come on now Angie you have to be strong for Vicky and the baby just remember now you don’t have to suffer in silence anymore I will do all I can to help if you want even if it’s just someone to talk to I’m here for you.”
“Thanks Anne you don’t know how much that means to me.”
Angie walked back home and played with Vicky for the rest of the afternoon, then at five o’clock she gave her a bath fed her and put her to bed she was asleep before her head touched the pillow.
Angie looked down at her daughter and smiled this was the one good thing she had got from her marriage for now, she stroked her tummy wondering if she would be capable of loving another child as much as she did Vicky.
Chapter 5
Colin’s new position was taking its toll on him he would come home worn out, eat his tea and be asleep in the chair by 8 o’clock this suited Angie down to the ground she could do whatever she wanted on an evening and she still had her Thursday, Friday and Saturday night working at the pub.
Colin would begrudgingly look after Vicky as he had promised but she had to be in bed before Angie went to work things weren’t bad at the moment they weren’t arguing at all really the odd choice words but not over the top to the point of him hitting her.
Angie began to think all sorts of things, like maybe he had changed but she dismissed that stupid idea leopards don’t change their spot’s, it could be he had found someone else god she hoped so then he may leave.
“I would be devastated ha ha “ she said out loud then she looked around to find she was on her own “Stupid cow you’re starting to crack up even thinking about that get is driving you mad” She then realised she was talking to herself again and just laughed.
What if he had found someone else should she find out who it was and warn her, tell her exactly what he was like she shuddered to think someone else would have to go through all this.
“Yes I will tell her but after he had moved out and I have changed the locks, yes I would tell her then it would be up to her what she did.”
She felt good about her decision and now all she could do was wait for him to leave.
The pregnancy went well no problems apart from putting on three stone and her ankles swelling up like beach balls which made her waddle about like an overfed penguin.
Her neighbour and fellow barmaid Sarah had been a tower of strength throughout the pregnancy.
Sarah was married to Kevin and they had a son Mathew who was two.
She would often look after Vicky whenever Angie had her hospital appointments or anti natal classes.
Angie had told her a little about her and Colin the arguments and him not really being interested in her pregnancy. She also knew about him hitting her occasionally.
The summer was a scorcher for three weeks the temperature had not fallen much below 80c Angie was melting for the last two weeks she hadn’t ventured outside she couldn’t cope with walking in that heat, Sarah had been going to the shops for her when she needed a
nything and her husband Kevin had driven her to the hospital for her last appointment.
It was the beginning of July Angie was sat on her sofa with two fans going full belt trying to keep cool, Vicky was playing happily on the rug.
Angie began to get this strange feeling in the pit of her stomach it felt like she was desperate for the toilet, just as she got to her feet her waters burst warm sticky liquid poured down her legs.