Nobody's Perfect Read online

Page 4

  She hurried to the phone and looked in the book for Colin’s direct line at work, she was starting to panic as the first contraction began, she breathed deeply then when it had subsided she dialled the number, after three rings Colin answered.

  “Good afternoon Colin Wilson speaking”

  “Colin? It’s me Angie the baby’s coming my waters have burst I’m in labour I need to go to the hospital now!”

  “Well why are you ringing me you should be ringing the ambulance stupid!”

  “I need you with me Colin I’m scared I don’t know what to do, will you come home now please.”

  “No chance I’m too busy, look just hang up and ring the ambulance they will sort you out”

  “Can you ring them please Colin?”

  “No this phone is just for works use or an emergency and this is neither so hang up and ring the ambulance yourself and I’ll come up to the maternity when I’ve finished work at six ok?”

  “You Bastard! Fuck you then!” Angie slammed the phone down hurting her hand.

  Angie rang Sarah.

  “Sarah the baby’s coming please can you help me!”

  “Right don’t panic Angie I’ll be there in a second just get Mathew from his cot.”

  Two minutes later Sarah burst through the door frightening the life out of Vicky who started screaming.

  “Sorry! sorry Vicky” Sarah said as she put Mathew down and picked Vicky up, she stopped crying almost immediately and then winged to be put down again to play with Mathew.

  “First things first. Have you rung an ambulance?”

  “No.” Angie said as another contraction started she breathed deeply.

  “No not yet I’ve phoned Colin and you that’s all”

  “That’s good so how long will it be before Colin get’s here?”

  “He’s not coming he’s too busy said he will see me later at the hospital.”

  “The tosser! Well I phoned Kevin before I came round he’ll be here in five minutes he’ll look after Vicky and Mathew so I’ll come with you to the hospital. Right the ambulance”

  Kevin arrived just as the ambulance came up the street.

  “Hi you lot” Kevin said walking into Angie’s.

  “Ambulance is here, Colin not here yet?”

  “He’s not coming” Sarah said giving Angie a sideward’s glance.

  “Oh right so what’s happening then?”

  “You are looking after Vicky and I’m going to the hospital with Angie until shitface decides to turn up”

  Angie started laughing.

  “Shitface I like that it suits him” Just then another contraction.

  “Oh bugger they are getting worse OW!”

  There’s a knock on the door and a paramedic walks in loaded down with bags.

  ”Mrs Wilson? My names Peter, you called you’re having a baby?”

  “By your bloody observant you missed your calling should have been a detective ha OW!”

  “A contraction Mrs Wilson? How far apart?”

  “Not far enough about every ten minutes can I have some pain relive?”

  “You softie not yet they may give you some gas and air when you get to the delivery suite.” He looked around and saw Kevin.

  “You Mr Wilson?”

  “Good god NO, I’m HER! Husband” He said pointing to Sarah.

  “We are her neighbours I’m looking after the children speaking of which I’ll take them round to ours. You take care Angie don’t worry about Vicky she’ll be fine with me tell Colin he can pick her up from ours when he gets back OK then you to I’ll be off.”

  With that he picked Mathew and Vicky up and went round home.

  “You’ve got a good one there Sarah do you want to swap?”

  Sarah nudged Peter.

  “Give her drugs she’s gone mental, Do I want to swap! Better still give me drugs.”

  “Right were ready for off everything’s fine let’s get you to hospital then the fun can start” Peter said.

  “Fun!” Angie laughed.

  “I think you are taking your own drugs either that or you are daft, FUN!”

  “Just messing with you Mrs Wilson now let’s be off”

  They arrived at the hospital just after 10-30am, Angie was pushed into one of the delivery suites.

  “Oo this is nice” Sarah said looking around the room.

  “Much nicer than when I had Mathew I was in this poky little room looked a bit like a broom cupboard, but this is nice, look you’ve got your own television that might take your mind off it, want me to turn it on for you?”

  “Not just now Sarah I er Ooo don’t feel like watching at the ow! Moment thanks”


  “Yessss!” “Do you want me to fetch someone for you?”

  “No thanks Sarah it’s passed now, Hey I’ll have to get used to it there are going to be a few more before it’s born” Just then the door opened and a male nurse walked in.

  “Good morning Mrs Wilson or do you prefer Angie I’m Gavin and I’ll be your midwife ok?”

  “Er Angie’s fine but you’r a man!”

  “ Well I was last time I checked yes, It’s not a problem is it Angie? I mean I can get another midwife if you prefer but I assure you I am fully qualified and this isn’t my first delivery you know.”

  “I’m sorry Gavin yes you will be fine it was just a bit of a shock at first sorry yes you go right ahead I’m all yours”

  “Ha ha thank you very much I’ll do my best,” He turned to Sarah.

  ”Are you going to be here for the birth?”

  “Well I don’t think so, her husband is coming he is just a bit tied up a work at the moment but I’ll be staying until he arrives.”

  “Good good Ok then let’s just have a look at where we are now then shall we.”

  Gavin begins the examination Sarah smiles and turns to look out of the window.

  “ Right Mrs Wilson sorry Angie well you’re 4 centimetres at the moment so it’s going to be a while if the contractions get too bad there is gas and air here” He said handing her the pipe.

  “A good couple of toots on that it’ll help with the pain.”

  “I don’t really want to help it have you anything to stop it please.”

  “Ha ha we’ll see later, Ok I’ll be back in a bit but if you need anything just press that red button.” With that he left.

  “Gas and air eh that’s good stuff Angie, Have I to put the television on then?”

  “Oh go on then if you must but don’t mind me making a little noise every now and again will you?”

  “No problems I’ll just turn the volume up.”

  “Ha ha you are a bugger Sarah thanks for being here.”

  “No problem Right what shall we watch.”

  The delivery was going very slow by 5-30pm she was 8 centimetres dilated, Sarah went outside to ring Kevin on her mobile to let him know what was happening.

  As she got outside Colin was walking towards the entrance.

  ”Hello Colin managed to get away then?”

  “Yes why what’s Angie been saying?”

  “She hasn’t been saying anything just that you were busy at work but would come as soon as you could.”

  “Yes I bet. Well I’m here now so you can go home, I’ll take it from here thank you.” He said sharply.

  “Well I’ll just nip back up and tell her that I’m off home now you’re here, don’t worry about Vicky just call and pick her up when you’re ready OK?”

  “Right well thanks, Er just tell her I’m calling at the shop first I’ll be up in about five minutes please.”

  Sarah went back up to the delivery suite when she went in Gavin was just finishing another examination. “Well that’s fine it won’t be long now, I’ll just put this monitor on your tummy so we can keep an eye on how baby’s doing ok?”

  She waited for him to leave then she turned to Angie.

  “Colin’s here so I’m off now he’s just called at the shop so he�
�ll be about five minutes, right don’t worry about Vicky she’ll be fine Colin can pick her up whenever, look after yourself Angie and I’ll see both of you later take care.”

  “Thanks Sarah I don’t know what I would have done without you and Kevin.”

  “No problems see you soon.”

  Sarah left as another contraction came, Angie put the tube in her mouth and took a couple of big breaths as the door opened and Colin burst in.

  “Right you bitch what you been saying to her about me!”

  “Nothing why”

  “I don’t believe you you cow you are always badmouthing me to other people behind my back. I’ll fucking teach you!” he pulled a pillow from behind her head and pressed it over her face Angie struggled and clawed at his clothes, she kicked an writhed on the bed, then Colin heard this alarm going off the door burst open and Gavin flew in.

  Colin lifted the pillow.

  “What’s happened, the foetal alarm has gone off”

  “Oh sorry Doctor it must have been me” Colin said coolly.

  “I was just making my wife more comfortable and that this must have fallen off, sorry”

  “Wow don’t do that you frightened me to death still no worries eh? Right Angie let’s just have another check then OK?” He started to examine her again then looking up he could see she wasn’t right.

  “Angie are you alright? Use the gas and air for the pain” He said lifting the tube to her mouth.

  “Deep breaths now Angie you’re fully dilated now baby’s coming! Help her with the gas and air Mr Wilson and we’ll get started”

  Colin pressed the tube to her lips looking down at her a sickly smirk on his face.

  “Here darling take some of this it will make you feel better come on now love deep breaths.”

  Angie took the tube, not for him, the pain was really bad now she screamed.

  “Push now Angie, push” Gavin shouted over her scream.

  “Push I can see the head, Now wait breathe deeply please Angie. Right Mr Wilson do you want to come down here and help deliver baby?”

  Colin went down the end of the bed and stood at the side of Gavin.

  “The head is almost out now push Angie big push!” Angie pushed and let out a massive scream.

  “Right stop, stop now Angie heads out just checking the cord, Right One last big push and it’s done Ok, Mr Wilson come here and put your fingers under baby’s arms right now Angie last big push NOW!”

  Angie gave a last push and the baby was out and crying instantly.

  “It’s a boy Mrs Wilson well done”

  She looked up and saw Colin there with the baby in his arms he looked to be crying and then just for a moment she once again saw the man she had fallen in love with a long long time ago.

  Then Colin looked at her with that evil smile and the feeling vanished forever.

  “Eight pounds six ounces wow that’s my biggest yet Well done Angie what are you calling him?”

  “Ben “ Angie said holding out her arms.

  ” Can I hold him now.” Gavin finished cleaning him taking blood and other checks then he wrapped him in a blanket and passed him to Angie.

  “Ok then I’ll let you lot get acquainted with each other and I’ll be back in about half an hour” She looked down at this beautiful baby and kissed him gently, then she looked at Colin a feeling of hatred came over her.

  “You bastard you tried to kill me I fucking hate you, why don’t you just leave or die.”

  “You shouldn’t slag me off behind my back then should you you bitch and if you do it again there won’t be anybody there to help you do you understand.” He then slapped her across the face.

  “Right if that’s done then I’m off” Colin said.

  “Don’t forget to pick Vicky up from Sarah’s then and you can let them know about the baby”

  “Yah but not tonight eh? I’m off to the pub to wet the baby’s head. She’ll be alright there for tonight wont she? And you’ll be out tomorrow so she can bring her round then and see the baby at the same time.”

  “Right well then you piss off don’t worry about us. Are you going to pick us up tomorrow if we are allowed out then?”

  “Here” Colin said reaching in his pocket.

  “There’s twenty quid you can get a taxi and I’ll see you at home tomorrow night Ok?”

  He walked out and Angie just burst into tears she felt so alone.


  There were no problems with Angie or the baby so at 2-30pm the doctor examined her and gave her the all clear to go home, Angie rang a taxi.

  When she got home the house was empty Colin had gone to work so she rang Sarah and asked her if she would bring Vicky round they then spent a couple of hours chatting while Vicky and Mathew played together.

  Chapter 6

  After Ben was born life sort of slipped into something of a routine, Colin had bought himself a computer so if he wasn’t asleep in the chair he was working on the computer.

  This was fine by Angie it allowed her more time to spend with Vicky and Ben, she would make tea leave Colin’s in the oven because she never knew when he would come home then it was bath and story time, she would sit cuddling on Vicky’s bed and read or sing nursery rhymes for hours.

  When they were asleep on occasions if Colin was amenable she would go round to Sarah’s for a coffee and a natter life wasn’t too bad she had her children who she loved so much and her friends Tony, Anne, Sarah and Kevin, she kept herself busy with housework her children and friends that she was hardly ever in the same room as Colin for more than an hour.

  Except when they were in bed but Colin wasn’t demanding there either and hadn’t been for months now he didn’t even say goodnight to her he would just climb in and turn his back to her and that suited her just fine things were pretty good.

  One day the following summer after Ben was born Colin came home and told her he had booked his mates caravan in Bridlington for two weeks starting the first Saturday in July.

  “That’s very nice of you are we all going” Angie asked a bit suspiciously.

  “Of course we are all going I need a break I have been working hard this year and I need to re-charge my batteries.”

  The Saturday morning came Angie got the children ready while Colin loaded up the car with the suitcases and double buggy.

  “Right” Colin said in a very rare and happy mood.

  “You get yourselves into the car I’ll just check in with the office to make sure that urgent order is still on track, won’t be a minute.”

  Angie put Vicky and Ben into their car seats got into the car and waited for Colin, He came out locked the door .

  “Been a change of plan” Colin said getting into the ca.r

  “That orders not out there has been a problem, so I’m going to drop you and the kids off and I’ll nip back, sort this mess out and join you in a few days’ ok?”

  “Well I suppose it’ll have to be ok wont it I mean if you have to be there then well that’s what you have to do.”

  They travelled to Bridlington in silence the children slept all the way there.

  They pulled up at the caravan they left the children in the car while Angie and Colin unpacked.

  “Ok then I’ll be off then” Colin said emotionlessly.

  “Don’t you want a sandwich and a drink before you set off back?”She asked more out of courtesy than anything else.

  “No no I’ll grab something at work out of the vending machine, don’t worry about me. Look this should only take a couple of days I should be back by Thursday.”

  “Thursday?” Angie said.

  “The holiday will be almost over by then.”

  “No it won’t we are here for two weeks and I’ll try and get back as quickly as I can this is a very large order worth a lot of money to the company and if we do alright they might put more work our way, look! Ring me on Tuesday night at home I should be able to let you know what’s happening by then, is that alright.”

sp; “Yes I suppose so well say goodbye to Vicky and Ben before you go and I’ll ring on Tuesday about

  6-30pm is that ok?”

  “That’s fine, right got to get off ok see ya kids have a good time!”