Nobody's Perfect Read online

Page 5

  With that he got in the car and went.

  “Right you two it’s just you and me now so we can have some dinner then we’ll go check out the children’s play area.”

  The rest of the day was spent in the play area then they went to get a few groceries while they were there Angie treated herself to a nice bottle of wine, looking down at Vicky she said.

  “We get you two snuggled down then mummy will start her holiday” She laughed holding up the bottle.

  The weather was glorious they spent the next three day’s playing on the beach and exploring the local area she was loving spending time with the children.

  Tuesday evening she went to the pay phone to ring Colin, he answered on the third ring.

  “Hello, Angie is that you?”

  “Yes how’s it going? When are you coming over?”

  “Won’t be this week I think, things are still a bit up in the air.”

  Angie breathed out deeply.

  “I thought this holiday was for all of us.”

  “I can’t help that Angie I’m needed here at the moment, anyway you have the children it’s not as if you are on your own now is it?”

  “Well you know what Colin forget it don’t bother about us we’ll be fine you just worry about your precious work!”

  “Look I’ve told you how important this contract is for the company we have to do it right. Ring me again next Monday night we are working day and night this week to try and catch up, hopefully we should be in front by Monday”

  “Alright then I’ll ring on Monday.”

  “Good good ok then Angie I’ll see you later give the kid’s a kiss from me bye.”


  The sun shone every day that week Angie and the kids were having a great time building sandcastles paddling in the sea and the kids club was really good.

  Angie thought being on her own with two children wasn’t that bad she could manage quite well.

  Friday morning was sunny again, Vicky and Ben had just woke up and had just finished their breakfast, Angie went outside to put the double buggy up then Ben started crying.

  ”Won’t be a second Ben” she shouted cursing the inventor of the fold down buggy.

  “Mummy’s just putting your pram up darling, won’t be long”

  This had no effect on Ben who just screamed louder then Vicky came out in sympathy.

  “Oh my God” Angie said out loud.

  “I’ll be there in a minute you two hang on.”

  “Having a spot of bother are we?”Said a voice from behind Angie she turned to see her next door neighbour standing on his balcony with a cup of tea in his hand.

  “Yah just a bit can’t seem to get this stupid thing to stay up and the children seem to want my attention”

  “You go see to them and I’ll do the buggy if you want”

  “That would be great thanks” Angie dropped the buggy and went in to see what all the fuss was about.

  Turned out Ben had dropped his dummy she put it in and instant quiet.

  She picked Ben up and went back out to see her neighbour who was also struggling with the buggy. “Not as easy as it looks is it” Angie laughed

  “Well I’m no expert when it comes to these things but I’m willing to give it a go just give me a second I think I’ve got it.” With that the buggy clicked into place.

  “See I told you I was an expert no problem”

  “Ha Ha yer right expert”

  “Anyway I’m Simon Baxter I’m here with my son Cameron for the week. You on your own?”

  “Not really I’ve got these two little monkeys”

  Simon let out a flirting laugh.

  “No I mean is there just you and the children?”

  “For the moment, their Dad has been called back into work but he’ll be coming back soon.”

  “Oh right, so what are you doing today then?”

  “Think we are going to take a picnic to the beach and spend a couple of hours down there.”

  Simon pushed the buggy towards her and gave her a warm smile.

  “Sounds wonderful, well it’s our last day today we go home in the morning, do you mind if we join you I’ll bring the pop and crisps.”

  “Oo! Now you’re talking.” She laughed, the thought of some adult company for a while sounded good.

  ” Ok then I’ll just get the children ready and I’ll see you in about half an hour.”

  They spent the full day on the beach just having fun and talking about anything and everything from Fireman Sam to the state of the country.

  Simon and Cameron lived in Harrogate this was the first holiday they had had together.

  Simon’s wife Elizabeth had died eighteen months ago from cervical cancer, she was diagnosed shortly after being told she was pregnant.

  The Doctors had told her that having treatment would mean she lost the baby and afterwards she would most likely be sterile.

  Elizabeth chose not to have any treatment until after the birth but by that time it was too far advanced and she died six months after Cameron was born.

  Angie just sat there crying and felt very lucky not to have ever been in that position having to choose life or death she wondered what she would do.

  They walked back to the caravan together Vicky and Cameron walking in front holding hands looking very grown up.

  When they reached the caravan Simon turned to Angie.

  “Look after we get these little monkeys to bed would you like to share a bottle of wine together?”

  “Er well yes that would be nice but I don’t know where Cameron will sleep.”

  “Oh don’t worry about that he will sleep in his own bed I have got his baby monitor with me if he wakes up I’ll hear him and I can check on him every now and again.”

  “Well then” She said a little unsure but her confidence growing.

  “I’ll see you about 7-30 ok? Do you like pizza I’ll do a couple for us if you like?”

  “Pizza great so I’ll see you 7-30 alright have to go and get this one fed, bathed and bed then, see you later.”

  Angie fed the children got them washed pyjamas on and settled them down for the night, she had a shower did her hair and put some make up on then she felt human again a woman not a mummy for a change.

  7-30 exactly Simon knocked on the door, she was just putting the pizzas in the oven.

  “Wow you can set the clocks by you” Angie said jokingly.

  “Well Cameron was asleep before his little head touched the pillow poor mite he’s worn out, he said it’s the best day he’s had, doesn’t want to go home tomorrow he says he’ll miss Vicky, think there’s a romance there you know we’ll have to watch those two ha ha. Have you got a corkscrew for this wine its white hope you like it.”

  “Whites fine I’m no expert if it’s alcoholic then its fine.” Angie laughed.

  ” The corkscrew’s in the drawer behind you.”

  They sat and talked about nothing again, the wine was soon drunk before the pizzas were cooked.

  “I’ll run down to the shop and get another bottle or two of wine if that’s alright?”

  “That’ll be fine I’ll listen out for Cameron while you’re gone but be quick Pizzas are almost done.”

  They ate the pizzas drank another bottle of wine and talked about nothing again, Angie realised she was getting a bit tipsy.

  Then as she leaned forward to pick up her glass Simon leaned forward and kissed her on the check. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Angie said angrily

  “Giving you a kiss”

  “Well don’t I’m married!”

  “But he’s not here and I thought...”

  “Well don’t think he may not be here now but he could be at any time so thank you for the lovely evening but I think you should go now Simon.”

  Simon didn’t say a word he just got up and left.

  Angie sat there she was very flattered in a way that someone found her attractive but it was too fast she had only met him this morn
ing she didn’t know him well enough and it was wrong she is a married woman even though she felt so lonely and unhappy.

  She went to check on the children then wobbled off to bed.

  Angie smiled to herself she had never been with anyone else but Colin she wondered what it would be like.

  A wave of regret washed over her, she settled down and made a decision to go round to Simons caravan first thing in the morning and apologise.

  When she woke up her head was banging she looked at the clock through screwed up eyes 7-30.

  “Oh no, the kids will be awake in a bit” She said to herself.

  “If I get up now I can have a cuppa and come round a bit before they start demanding breakfast” Then she remembered last night and Simon.

  “Oh bugger I’ve got a bit of apologising to do better get up”

  She got up put on her dressing gown and went over to Simon’s caravan she thought to herself.

  “What if I apologise and things get a bit out of hand and we end up in bed together what then” The fantasies were running havoc through her mind she was ready for anything and the way she was feeling she may be the instigator.

  Her heart was beating like a steam hammer when she got to the caravan door Angie knocked...

  There was no answer she knocked louder, still no movement inside; she went round the other side of the caravan his car had gone.

  She walked back to her caravan and started making breakfast for Vicky and Ben.

  Then she heard a car pull up outside and footsteps coming towards her caravan Angie ran to the door and yanked it open.

  “Simo... Oh it’s you Colin, what are you doing here I thought you weren’t coming till later next week”

  “Ah well there was a bit of a cock up some of the order was put in a different location in the warehouse by a temp we had working for us and he never recorded it so we thought we were behind but we were actually on schedule but with this overtime we have just done it has put us well ahead, so here I am ready for my holiday where are the kids?”

  “Still in bead I am getting their breakfast ready before I get them up, would you like some breakfast beacon and eggs or something?”

  “No thanks I stopped off on the way and had a full breakfast otherwise I would have been here at 5 o’clock and I thought that would be too early to be wakening everyone up. So what you got planned for today then?”

  “Well we were just going to the beach they love it there and now you’re here we can let them both paddle in the sea.”

  “That sounds good, right let’s get them up and get this show on the road then eh?”

  Angie got them up fed, washed and changed then she put them in their buggy which went up without any drama this time, then called Colin who had been to the paper shop and was sat reading.

  “Are we right then? Ok lets be off. Are you ready kids?”

  They sat on the beach Angie watching the children and Colin sleeping at the side of her they hadn’t spoken a word all the time she missed Simon and felt guilty for last night and being so quick to get rid of him, someone had wanted her even if it was for just a short time someone had looked at her and seen an attractive woman someone who they had wanted to make love to and looking across at Colin she knew she had made a mistake.

  The rest of the week went just the same as the first day Angie looking after the children and keeping them amused which she didn’t mind and Colin either in the bar or laid at the side of her on the beach snoring.

  They had been home a week when the phone rang just after Angie had put Vicky and Ben down for their afternoon nap.

  “Hello, excuse me is that Angie?” Angie seemed to recognise the voice but couldn’t put a name to it. “Yes...” She said a bit wary.

  “It’s Simon, Simon Baxter we met last week in Bridlington”

  “Oh yes yes Simon sorry about that you threw me a bit, well it’s lovely to hear from you. How did you get my number?”

  “From the site office and I really needed to talk to you, I thought you might still be cross at me for being such an arse, I don’t usually pounce on women I do hope you can forgive me it must have been the wine not that you aren’t a very attractive woman so I can’t just blame the wine.”

  Angie found herself blushing a little she felt good knowing someone found her attractive.

  “I think it’s me who should do the apologising Simon I behaved like a stupid fool I did call round to your caravan to apologise but you had already gone”

  “Yes we had made an early start wanted to get back to Harrogate before the roads got clogged up with day trippers.” He knew that excuse was a bit feeble and Angie could see right through it the fact was he had felt so ashamed about the previous evening he didn’t want to see Angie because he didn’t know what to say to her.

  “Well anyway” Says Simon.

  “I’m coming to Huddersfield next Wednesday morning for a meeting it should have finished by 11-30 so I was wondering as an apology would you like to have lunch with me, I know it’s short notice and if you have other things to do I understand but I would like to make amends please.”

  “That would be lovely, yes I would love to meet you for lunch I just need to sort out a babysitter.”

  “You can bring the children with you if you like that won’t be a problem”

  “No that’s fine getting a babysitter won’t be a problem I have a few friends who would love to have the kids for a couple of hours.”

  “That’s sorted then my meeting is in the Town Hall could you meet me outside at say twelve?”

  “That will be fine, Well I’ll see you next Wednesday then” She said trying not to let her excitement show in her voice.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Ok then Angie I’ll see you there then bye.”

  Angie just sat looking at the phone she felt like a teenager again going out on her first date, what would she wear she flew upstairs to ransack her wardrobe.

  After an hour of rummaging in the wardrobe she decided she had nothing to wear she decided to hit the shops on Saturday with Sarah but first she had to prose open that tightwads wallet and get him to give her some money.

  Colin came home at his usual time had his tea then sat down in his usual chair to watch TV and no doubt fall asleep before Angie had bathed the children and put them down to sleep, so she was surprised to see him still awake when she walked in the room.

  “I’m making myself a cup of tea would you like one?” Angie asked.

  “Yes I will thank you.” Angie made the teas and took them back in she sat down and was just about going to ask him for some money when he announced.

  “You know Peter Jackson the Financial Director at our place?”

  Angie looked confused and shook her head.

  “No not really”

  Colin continued.

  “Well anyway he’s retiring at the end of the month 32years he’s been with us, Well he is having a bit of a do on Saturday and we have been invited is that ok with you would you like to go,” Angie could not believe her luck she almost wanted to give him a big kiss.

  “I would love to go the problem is I haven’t anything to wear.”

  “Not a problem I’ll look after the children on Saturday and you can go shopping see if that Sarah wants’ to go with you.” Angie could hardly contain herself this must be fate she couldn’t believe her luck.

  “I’ll nip round and see Sarah now then if you don’t mind see if she will come with me eh?”

  “OK then see you in a bit.”

  Angie went round and told Sarah everything about Simon, Bridlington and going for lunch on Wednesday, she was just as excited as Angie.

  ”Well you sly old devil right, we have to get you something nice, sexy yet not tartish”

  Angie held up her hand.

  “Whoa Sarah hold on a minuet I have to go to a posh dinner first don’t want to be giving that old bugger Peter Jackson a coronary or even Colin the wrong idea do I now, so let’s just keep it dignified, er... and ma
ybe a little sexy eh?”

  Saturday night went well everybody had a good time the meal was wonderful the drinks were free and flowing freely the Directors all agreed they must see more of Colin and Angie so they all agreed on Monthly get-togethers Angie felt like a princess being invited into the royal inner circle.